So, this post might seem rather long winded, especially for those who don't want every last detail regarding our boys - but we have decided to use the blog as a baby/memory book for our boys and want to include plenty of details, pictures and stories!

Wyatt is almost 3 years old and he LOVES baseball! It is his favorite thing right now and worked as a great motivator for potty training! Here he is with his new glove - his big reward for all of his "training". He will now tell you that he is "trained", and he's right!!! My dad told me he would be easy to potty train, but it wasn't until I decided to commit to the process that Wyatt proved my dad right. It's amazing what this kid will do for a mini-marshmallow! Just a glimpse into Wyatt's baseball passion . . . . the other day we played baseball inside and outside twice, made and played baseball with playdough, made and played baseball with paper (not so easy), watched the Rockies on tv and went to our church softball game. He loves baseball!

Wyatt's other great love right now is motorcycles. He's been a motorcycle fan for a long time and we have given up on deterring him from motorcycles and have committed fully to motorcycle safety. Wyatt loves to wear Daddy's helmet and pretends his bike is a motorcycle. He points out every motorcycle we see while driving and is quick to let us know how each rider could be safer.
See . . . he LOVES baseball!
Hiking with Daddy on our camping trip this summer with my co-workers.
Bren has been telling Wyatt bedtime stories about a fox family and Wyatt eats it up. A few weeks ago we were driving in the car and Wyatt said, "Mommy, do you know this song? One time a day, there was a Daddy fox and a Mommy fox and a Matt fox. And one time a day, a tree fell on Wyatt fox and Ella fox and Kate fox. And one time a day Daddy fox and Mommy fox and Matt fox came to help Wyatt fox and Ella fox and Kate fox." Brendan starts each story with Once upon a time, but Wyatt remembers it as One time a day. I love it. I also love that he keeps the Johnsons near and dear to his heart even though they have moved away and we haven't seen them in a while! Not so sure how I feel about a tree falling on them, but at least he came up with a happy ending!
Wyatt is trying to convince me that he no longer needs a nap, but this sort of thing keeps happening!
For some reason I have always feared the "dress myself" stage. Not sure why because boots and two baseball caps in 100 degree heat is pretty stinkin' cute. We do need to buy more baseball shirts though, because I just can't keep up with the laundry!

Other Wyatt details right now . . . He loves his brother. He is excited each day to see Will and spend time with him and can't wait until Will is ready to play baseball. Wyatt also loves the show Franklin and Friends. This morning on the way to VBS he told me that he would like to go play at Franklin's house some time. Too cute! It was hard for me to explain why he wouldn't be able to go to his house to play. He is also a dessert lover. He loves suckers and popsicles and marshmallows, and just about anything else that is sweet. Wyatt is so sweet and so loving, and yes - a little bit whiny! At almost 3, he is trying hard to be independent and becomes very frustrated when he can't do something all by himself. He has an amazing heart though and is really able to identify his love for Jesus already. Bren's grandpa has been really sick this summer and a few days ago Wyatt and I were talking about Grandpa Merrill getting older and being sick. I told Wyatt that Grandpa would be going to live with Jesus and God in Heaven soon and Wyatt said, "That's so God can make him new again." Praise God! Wyatt is right and I instantly had tears in my eyes! I love that Wyatt knows this and I love that we have the assurance that Grandpa Merrill will be hand in hand with our Savior soon! Wyatt said that Grandpa Merrill will like Heaven because God and Jesus are there too! There is no greater joy to parenting than watching our sons begin to recognize the peace and love of Jesus!
I know there are many things I am forgetting to share, but at least it's a glimpse into Wyatt's heart and daily life. He is simply precious!