Some recent pictures of Wyatt in his first ball cap. We had a great lunch on Matt and Kate's deck and saw some real signs of spring - daffodils! As sad as we still are that they live in the city, we do benefit from their spring-like weather! We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Ella and can't wait to get the first pictures of the lovebirds together - Ella and Wyatt!

Wyatt has been very interested in the computer recently - he is sitting in my lap right now, reaching for the keyboard . . . a few words from Wyatt . . . ÷bbnvvm , m,,Wq ,n nn mbb bb - I know, you're thinking genius!!!

We recently got Wyatt a highchair and he loves wheeling around in it. We just started him on solids again on Saturday and praise the Lord, he has not been vomiting! So, we are getting good use out of the chair and hopefully the meds are working! He has been a cranky boy recently, but we are hoping to chop it up to teething and not belly issues, we will see on Friday!
You can't tell in the above picture - but we recently got a new kitchen table - for frequent diners with the Huffs, you will be very excited about this! We've decided to grow up a little and stop making our guest's butts fall through our chairs!

Wyatt loves his mudgy (pacifier) and does not discriminate what side to chew or suck on - this is his favorite new way! Silly boy!