Here's a Top Ten list of things that happened in the Huff Household in February and March (in no particular order)!
10. Thanks to some warm days, we've gotten to spend a lot of time outside and Wyatt loves it! The park, the zoo, the yard - he loves it all, as long as he doesn't have to come inside!
9. Wyatt turned 18 months old on March 12 and we had a great well-baby check up! We have been concerned that Wyatt may have to have genetic testing done, as the doctor was concerned about his height. At this appointment, we learned that Wyatt is in the 13% for weight now - a big jump and in the 2% for height. 2% doesn't make it sound very likely that he will be the leading rebounder for his high school basket ball team - but it is a big improvement from not even being on the charts at 12 months! So . . . no genetic testing! The doctor thinks his rate of growth is steady, maybe slow, but at least steady.
8. I turned 30 on March 27. Bren surprised me with a zoo pass and DVR! The tragic part of this surprise is that DVR is yet to be hooked up due to set-up complications - I guess another month of waiting to watch The Office and Modern Family won't be too bad, considering I haven't seen an episode in 19 months! I also had a great day at the spa with my mom and Quinn's girlfriend, Sheena plus a night out with friends and a brunch with family. It was a great way to turn 30!
7. Wyatt has a great sense of humor! He is so silly! In the picture above, he is wearing the shell to a turtle shape sorter as his "helmet". He wears this all the time when he's riding his truck or motorcycle!
6. Wyatt is so helpful! He loves to help unload the dishes and throw laundry into the dryer. He also loves to sweep, and still wants to see the vacuum 30 times a day even though he is terrified of it! I'm hoping to get a few more years out of this "for free" chore time!!
5. Wyatt has been so polite - he has learned to say "help please", "up please", "thank you" and "down please" - it is pretty cute, especially now that it is no longer parent prompted!
4. I thought I'd start with how polite he is to remind myself before writing about the tantrum phase or as we call it, TTs! Wyatt loves the word "NO" - where did this come from? Just all of a sudden he would say "no" to everything! He also loves to roll on the ground, kick his feet and pretend cry. It's lovely. Especially considering his mom works in behavior support!
3. Brendan turned 30 on February 28! We had a great celebration for Brendan and Matt with some friends the week before and got to celebrate Bren's 30th and Grandpa Merrill's 92nd with the Adams family! We took a family trip out to Cabelas the week after, just to keep the celebration going! Bren got himself some new hunting boots, after months of saving gift cards!
2. Wyatt has gotten 5 new teeth in the last few weeks - READ, he does not sleep well at night right now and his hands are always in his mouth. On the plus side, his smile is awfully cute!
1. Wyatt loves tools! He goes around fixing things all the time, and loves to be just like his daddy! Probably our biggest news from February and March includes tools - Bren put in his notice at work and has just about completed all of the steps to get his own business up and running. This has been a dream of ours for a long time and it is exciting and scary, and EXCITING to know that we are finally there! Bren's company is called Covenant Construction and Remodel and he will be starting up at the end of this month! I am so proud of him! It is exciting to be trusting God's timing and process for all of this!
7 years ago
Happy birthday! (late)... Wyatt is adorable, I can't believe he's so little :) Thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteSuch "tragic" news on the DVR:) Love the list. That last pic of Wyatt looks like a totally different child. Ella said she's not ready for the slick do.